Chapter 4.12 - Risk Management

Chapter 4.12 - Risk Management

4.12.010 Risk management policy statement.

The county of Pueblo adopts by resolution the following policy statement in regard to management of risk of loss to county property, to employees and authorizing volunteers, and to members of the public.
The administration of the risk management program is a function involving the entire county. The principal objective is to protect the county and all of its people and assets at the lowest possible cost. It is to be conducted as efficiently and economically as possible with centralized control to assure uniformity of practice and procedure.
The principal objective is to be achieved through a balance of pooling arrangements and/or purchased insurance, assumption of risk, transfer of risk, control of losses of all types, and use of governmental immunity as appropriate.
Responsibility of administering the risk management program shall rest with Steel City Agencies, Inc., the Risk Manager and Consultant for the county of Pueblo under agreement effective January 1, 1986. The Risk Manager shall report to the County Manager.
Internal administration of the program shall be delegated to the Safety Coordinator who is Chairperson of the Safety Committee for the county. The Safety Committee shall be appointed by the Safety Coordinator under the terms of a resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners and shall supervise all loss control procedures and practices, recordkeeping for losses, internal costs of risk management including administrative costs.
The responsibility for pooling arrangements with other public entities and/or the purchase of insurance, assumption of risk transfer of risk and the use of governmental immunity, shall be delegated to the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager shall cooperate with the Safety Coordinator and the County Attorney in performance of its duties.
Risk Manager shall work with County, Attorney in regard to contractual transfer of risk specifically in areas where county facilities are being provided to the state of Colorado such as judicial facilities, detention facilities, extension service, and the office of the District Attorney.
The Risk Manager shall report not less than annually to the Board of County Commissioners on the current risk management program. The report shall include costs of the program for pooling, assumed losses and administration. The report shall also include recommendations, if any, for significant changes of practices and procedures.
It shall be a policy of the risk management program to pool or insure risks, as determined by good business judgement, and to assume other risks either through the use of deductibles or through self-insurance. (Res. 86-182)

4.12.020 Safety committees to be established.

A. Each department of Pueblo County government shall establish a safety committee which shall:
1. Address safety issues within their department and utilize the department’s strategic plan to address risk management and safety issues within their department;
2. Designate one member of the department safety committee to serve as a member on the County’s Risk Management team;
3. Recommend risk management policies to the County Risk Management Team.
B. Each elected office of Pueblo County is requested to also establish a safety committee for each such office to:
1. Address safety issues within their department and utilize the department’s strategic plan to address risk management and safety issues within their department;
2. Designate one member of the department safety committee to serve as a member on the County’s Risk Management Team;
3. Recommend risk management policies to the County Risk Management team. (Res. 00-61 § 2.3)

4.12.030 Risk Management Team.

A. The Pueblo County Risk Management Team is established.
B. The membership of the Pueblo County Risk Management Team shall consist of a member designated by each department’s and elected office’s safety committee and a designated representative of Pueblo County’s contracted insurance advisor.
C. The Pueblo County Risk Management Team shall have authority and responsibility to develop and recommend comprehensive safety and risk management policies for Pueblo County to this Board.
D. Further, the Pueblo County Risk Management Team shall have the authority and responsibility to coordinate the activities of departmental safety committees and establish such ad hoc committees, as needed, and is further authorized and directed to create, promote and administer, as directed by this Board, a comprehensive safety program for the benefit of Pueblo County employees, the public at large, and protection of Pueblo County property and assets. (Res. 00-61 § 4--7)

4.12.040 Insurance adviser.

Pueblo County’s contracted insurance advisor shall assist in all of the Risk Management Programs established by the Risk Management Team under the direction of the Risk Management Team and reporting all necessary information to the Risk Management Team and this Board. (Res. 00-61 § 8)
