Chapter 17.96 PARKING DISTRICT (S-4)

Chapter 17.96 PARKING DISTRICT (S-4)

17.96.010 Purpose.

The standards of this district (S-4) are designed to retain and provide land area for Off-Street parking, primarily for uses in an adjacent zone district in those instances where rezoning to permit all the uses permitted in that adjacent zone district would have an adverse effect on the neighborhood.

17.96.020 Uses by right.

A use by right is any of the following uses, which are permitted upon issuance of a zoning permit by the County Zoning Administrator.

Auto parking lots;

Auto parking structures;

Residential uses as permitted in the most restrictive adjacent zone;

Structures for attendants.

17.96.030 Uses by review.

A use by review is any of the following uses, other than those uses which come within the purview of Section 17.140.010(F), which are permitted only upon issuance of a Special Use Permit by the Planning Commission.

Advertising device, off-premises (see Chapter 17.116);




Service stations;

Utilities as outlined in Section 17.120.130.

17.96.040 Lot area.

No parcel of land shall be smaller than three thousand (3,000) square feet, nor shall any parcel of land existing in single ownership at the time of passage of this Code henceforth be divided for sale in units smaller than three thousand (3,000) square feet.

17.96.050 Lot dimensions.

No parcel of land shall be less than seventy (70) feet in width or forty (40) feet in depth.

17.96.060 Lot coverage.

No requirement.

17.96.070 Floor area ratio.

No requirement.

17.96.080 Building height.

No structure shall exceed the most restrictive height limits established by this Title for the adjacent parcels of land.

17.96.090 Front yard setback.

No building or open parking lot shall be set back less than fifteen (15) feet from the front property line.

17.96.100 Side yard setback.

A principal structure or open lot shall provide side yards as required for the adjacent parcels of land.

17.96.110 Rear yard setback.

A principal structure or open lot shall be set back from the rear lot line as required for the adjacent parcels of land abutting or across an alley to the rear of the parcel.

17.96.120 Parking space.

Off-street parking shall be as provided in Chapter 17.112.

17.96.130 Loading space.

None required.

17.96.140 Fences, walls and hedges.

See Section 17.120.160.

17.96.150 Signs.

Signs shall be as provided in Chapter 17.116.
