What does the Pueblo County Marijuana & Liquor Licensing Division do?

The Pueblo County Marijuana & Liquor Licensing Division fosters a sustainable and responsible business environment within the community. This division ensures that all marijuana and liquor businesses operate in strict adherence to established laws, policies, and procedures, promoting legality and safety. By meticulously regulating these sectors, Pueblo County not only upholds high standards of compliance but also supports the responsible growth and development of these industries. The division’s goal is to strike a balance between regulatory enforcement and economic vitality, thereby contributing to a thriving, sustainable community. It serves as a vital resource for businesses, providing them with the guidance needed to navigate the complexities of licensing while encouraging responsible business practices that benefit the entire community.

Planning and Development Department

Planning and Development Department

229 West 12th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
United States

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.