The PDPHE Human Resources Department is responsible for the oversight of human resource management, including but not limited to, recruitment, hiring, onboarding and offboarding, benefits coordination, developing and updating the employee handbook, standard operating procedures, and employee advocacy. HR is responsible for ensuring compliance with pay equity, worker’s compensation, FMLA, compensation analysis, and other general liability issues are managed and adhered to as guided by policy and employment law. HR serves as the primary resource to each employee regarding general staff support.


How to Apply

The Human Resources Department will accept applications for current job openings only. The link below will provide any position vacancies and the opportunity to complete an application form. Applications for employment are available only through the site listed below.

View position vacancies here:

Additional Job Openings:

E-mail contact: [email protected]


Internship Opportunity

The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment provides individuals unpaid internship opportunities up to 400-hours to fulfill an educational requirement. Internship applications are accepted throughout the year, however, not all applications will be accepted.

For internship requests please complete the Internship Application Form. Failure to complete all information may result in internship requests being denied.


Grievance/Complaint Process

The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment treats all members of the community with respect regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, creed, religion, age, socio-economic status, education, or sexual orientation. The public is able to report a grievance/complaint in regards to discrimination within the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment's programs or activities by submitting to Human Resources [email protected]. Please provide specific details about the grievance/complaint when reporting as well as contact information in order to receive a timely response.


Colorado Open Records Act

Requests for inspecting and/or copying of documents must be submitted in writing by completing the Request Procedure for Inspection/Copying of Record Form. Completed request forms must be immediately given to the Human Resources Manager.

  1. Download and complete the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment (PDPHE) Request Procedure for Inspecting and Copying of Records
  2. Submit the completed form to [email protected]